Bill Burr Takes on Fatherhood and Friendship in Netflix Film “Old Dads” September 25, 2023 1:53 pmBill Burr, renowned for his fiery stand-up comedy and candidly addressing his anger issues, steps into a new role as...
Keanu Reeves Pleaded to ‘Kill Off’ John Wick In Last Movie: Is This The End? September 21, 2023 11:15 amKeanu Reeves, the beloved star of the John Wick franchise, has revealed his desperate desire to see his iconic assassin...
Trolls Band Together: A Vibrant New Adventure Unfolds in DreamWorks’ Latest Trailer September 18, 2023 7:37 amDreamWorks Animation is back with a burst of colour and music in its latest release, the second trailer for “Trolls...
Leonardo DiCaprio in “Killers of the Flower Moon” September 14, 2023 4:36 pmThe final trailer has dropped for Martin Scorsese’s highly anticipated epic period drama “Killers of the Flower Moon.” This gripping...
The Spy Kids Are Back with a New Generation September 11, 2023 1:19 pmNetflix, Skydance, and Spyglass release the first trailer for Robert Rodriguez’s highly-anticipated reboot, “Spy Kids: Armageddon.” The filmmaker returns to...
The Aquaman 2 Teaser Will Have You Hooked! September 11, 2023 12:41 pmThe highly-anticipated teaser trailer for “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” has just dropped, and it’s sending shockwaves through the DC...
First Trailer: Godzilla Minus One September 5, 2023 4:28 pmIf you’re a fan of epic kaiju battles and jaw-dropping visual effects, mark your calendars because “Godzilla Minus One” is...