Emergency Contacts
Triple Zero – 000
Triple Zero is the emergency phone number in Australia for police, firefighters or ambulance. Call Triple Zero only in an emergency.
Calls to Triple Zero are free (mobile phones, landlines and pay phones).
SES – 132 500
Contact SES 132 500 from anywhere in Queensland for non-life threatening flood and storm emergency assistance during severe weather events. If the situation is life-threatening, always call Triple Zero (000).
Policelink – 131 444
Policelink is available 24/7 and provides Queenslanders with an additional method to report a range of matters, or seek policing advice.
Crimestoppers – 1800 333 000
Crime Stoppers is Australia’s most trusted information receiving service for people wanting to share what they know about unsolved crimes and suspicious activity without saying who they are. They work closely with police, media and the community to help solve, reduce and prevent crime by collecting information and passing on those details to police and other law enforcement agencies to help keep communities and families safe.